Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, November 12, 2007

October 24th: Sequence of events

October 24th: Wednesday I had to go to work at North Oaks for a mandatory class and had plans on staying to finish a 12hr shift, fortunately they really didn't need me so I stayed until 2pm and decided to go home to rest up because I had two shifts at East Jefferson in a row the next two days. Later that evening, Marcos got my luggage out of the attic to pack for the hospital and I went to Wal Mart to buy travel size toiletries for the hospital. That night I woke up at midnight, 1am, and 2:19am all to pee each time. The last time while I was peeing, I heard pop and then a gush. Yep, my water broke! I called to Marcos to wake up and that my waterhad just broke. We started packing the suitcase with everything we thought we needed adn then some, then raced over to the hospital. By the time we got there and checked in it was about 3am, when they checked me I was 5-6cm dialated. The nurses were coming in and out starting IVs, asking questions, just aggrevating me basically. They asked if I wanted an epidural, which I declined as planned. Finally the last time the nurse came in she told me if the pain was getting bad she could check me again (second guessing about the epidural a this point), this time I was 9cm dialated, needless to say, she didn't leave the room again. The nurse at the desk called Dr. Schiavi and she was there in 15 minutes. It was about 4am at this time. We started pushing and baby boy popped out at 4:14am on Thursday, October 25th. He was born before any family even made it to the hospital. 6 pounds and 9 ounces, and perfect...of course. He didn't get a name until Friday afternoon...Connor Anthony Vargas.


Anonymous said...

Yeah RB....he is so cute!
I am so excited for you both! Lets see how much he is going to try to get away with! Will you ever call into work for him so he can go to VooDoo Fest??? HA!

steele family said...

what a story! i love the family picture, he is adorable!!

lenee said...

Carrie and Marcos,
I'm so happy for the two of you, your new addition is just as cute as they come.
love ya'll!

Michele said...

Welcome Conner Anthony!!!!

P.S. I love the VooDoo Fest comment from Gena...I totally forgot about that!

Bridget said...

Congrats! Sounds like a great l&d... what a blessing! He's adorable!

Adrienne said...

He's beautiful Carrie! Congrats!

NIKKI said...

CONGRATULSTIONS!! He is beautiful!!!!