Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, November 26, 2007

November 1st...a week of first

November 1st: What a week! Here I am meeting my big brother Maxwell for the first time.
My first the way, I hate my baths! Taking a nap with daddy for the first time. 10/28/07

My first Halloween! my costume says "Mummy loves me" and that's the truth.

Monday, November 12, 2007

October 24th: Sequence of events

October 24th: Wednesday I had to go to work at North Oaks for a mandatory class and had plans on staying to finish a 12hr shift, fortunately they really didn't need me so I stayed until 2pm and decided to go home to rest up because I had two shifts at East Jefferson in a row the next two days. Later that evening, Marcos got my luggage out of the attic to pack for the hospital and I went to Wal Mart to buy travel size toiletries for the hospital. That night I woke up at midnight, 1am, and 2:19am all to pee each time. The last time while I was peeing, I heard pop and then a gush. Yep, my water broke! I called to Marcos to wake up and that my waterhad just broke. We started packing the suitcase with everything we thought we needed adn then some, then raced over to the hospital. By the time we got there and checked in it was about 3am, when they checked me I was 5-6cm dialated. The nurses were coming in and out starting IVs, asking questions, just aggrevating me basically. They asked if I wanted an epidural, which I declined as planned. Finally the last time the nurse came in she told me if the pain was getting bad she could check me again (second guessing about the epidural a this point), this time I was 9cm dialated, needless to say, she didn't leave the room again. The nurse at the desk called Dr. Schiavi and she was there in 15 minutes. It was about 4am at this time. We started pushing and baby boy popped out at 4:14am on Thursday, October 25th. He was born before any family even made it to the hospital. 6 pounds and 9 ounces, and perfect...of course. He didn't get a name until Friday afternoon...Connor Anthony Vargas.

October 21st: 36 weeks, 5 days, and counting

Picture taken on October 21st, which was 36 weeks and five days. On Friday, Oct 19th, I lost my mucus plug, which I was told labor may not start until two weeks after you lose your plug. I went to see Dr. Schiavi the day after this pic was taken, Monday the 22nd with Marcos. She said everything was looking great, and we were right on track. I told her I didn't think I was going to last three more weeks, she wanted to know why I felt that way, which I had no answer, it was just a feeling. When she checked me i was 2-3cm dialted. She told me if things started we were far enough along that she wouldn't try to stop or postpone the delivery. On Sunday Marcos finished painting the baby's room and we steam ceaned all of our carpets. As soon as we left Dr. Schiavi's office I went to buy the baby's matress and Marcos went straight home to put all the furniture in the room and put the bed together. So now we are just waiting.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Aunt Melissa's Bachorlette Party

9/14/07 My mom and her girlfriends went to Destin for Aunt Melissa's Bachorlette party, the weather and beach was beautiful. My mom got to go watch all her friends being drunk and silly...yes she felt very left out, but was a good spectator and designated driver.

My mom, Julie, Jamie, Michele, Melissa, Jes, Jamie Gags, and Maryanne.

A day at the beach...Michele, Jamie Gags, Melissa the bride-to-be, and Jes
33 week progression picture. Things have been great so far, but these days I've been living in the bathroom, pregnancy doesn't agree with my bladder.

Nola's first visit to the South

9/7/07 We all welcomed my new cousin Nola Anne Andersen to Louisiana a couple of weeks ago and my mom got to see one of her best frineds, my Aunt Kellie. They live in New Jersey now and we really miss them.

Aunt Kellie (Nola's mom), Aunt Lenee, Nola and my mom
Uncle Jay, Aunt Kellie, my mom and dad, Aunt Lenee and Uncle Dan
Uncle Dan holding Tripp (David and Christy's little boy - Nola's cousin, born days after Nola) and my dad watching so he knows how to hold me. Nope that's not me yet, it's my mom hold Nola.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Our first baby's birthday

Saturday we celebrated Maxwell's first birthday! Dad and son are anxiously awaiting the new little chicken.

28 week progression picture

Marcos and I are expecting our first child (with two legs) this November. Here is my first progression picture at 28 weeks, we just went to the doctors today and she said everything looks great! I have gained a total of 16lbs so far. The doctor said I am measuring perfect. We have finished registering, picking out the baby's furniture and will be starting to decorate the nusery soon. We'll keep you updated.