Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, April 21, 2008

Easter Sunday

March 23rd - Connor spent Good Friday at my dad's camp on South Pass. He had his first boat ride, it didn't go over great, he did not like weaing a life jacket. Other than that we had a great day. Sunday we went to MeMe's for Easter Dinner. Connor has been very active lately. He likes playing on the floor, he is pushing up on his hands and knees, and scooting...just not in the right direction. He has been very vocal and loves to laugh. Our last visit to the doctor's office he was 17lbs and 11oz, yes a little chunky monkey.
Connor and MeMe Connor and Maxwell Little puppy butt

Connor's crawl...


JStraughan said...

He's getting so big! What a little cutie!

Michele said...

He'll be crawling before you know it! You might as well go ahead and buy some baby proofing items next time you're at the store! :-)

Jamie said...

What a big boy! So cute!!!

Jeaniepeach said...

Your little guy is so cute. We can't wait to meet him.

lenee said...